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The silvicultural systems that have been adopted in Brunei Darussalam may be described briefly as follows​:

1) Shelterwood Compartment System
2) Initial Stick Thinning
3)​ Selection System
4) Malayan Uniform System (MUS)
5) Brunei Selection Felling System (BSFS)

Shelterwood Compartment System

This silvicultural system used to be applied on the kapurpaya (Dryobalanops rappa) forests in Anduki Forest Reserve from the 1930's to late 1950's.  It encourages regeneration before final felling.  The aim was to produce a pure crop of kapur paya. When log extraction was completed in a compartment, all unwanted trees were poisoned with sodium arsenite.  The treatments were however, effectively voided by the repeated occurrence of widespread forest fires and the clearing of parts of the Forest Reserve for oil exploration and construction of public restructures.

Initial Stick Thinning

For the mangrove forest, the silvicultural system used since the 1940's was the Initial Stick Thinning, designed to promote regeneration.  The stick thinning was followed after 3 to 5 years by a final felling.  A minimum girth limit was imposed, determined by the smallest commercial size of mangrove poles (8 inches in the 1950's for firewood export to Hongkong and for local consumption).​​

Selection System

A sort of selection system was employed in the Andulau Forest Reserve sometime in the late 1940's until the introduction of the Malayan Uniform System (MUS) in 1958.  There are no records however, that clearly describe its actual application.  It can only be surmised that a girth limit was imposed on the selected commercial species that were harvested.

Malayan Uniform System (MUS)

This was first practiced in 1958 in Compartment 5 of the Andulau Forest Reserve, which had been logged in 1955-1957.  Under this system all residual trees over 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter were poison-girdled in order to stimulate regeneration.  Climbers were also cut to release the 
desired crop trees from strangulation and competition.  Treatments were to be repeated after 10- to 15-year intervals.  Since the 1970's, enrichment planting was also done on understocked logged-over forests.

The chemical used for poison girdling, sodium arsenite, was replaced with 24-5T in 1985.  But by 1988, poison-girdling was completely stopped due to the perceived negative effects of the chemical on the environment, and the lack of concrete proof that the treatment was in fact, yielding positive effects on the timber stand.

Brunei Selection Felling System (BSFS)

In 1986, a modification of the Selective Management System (SMS) practiced in Malaysia was initiated in Brunei Darussalam, replacing MUS.  Basically, the system involves pre- and post-logging assessment of the timber stand.  Trees to be cut and harvested as well as trees to be left behind to constitute the next timber crop are marked.  Woody climbers are removed if they pose competition or they are expected to hamper logging operations.  Felling includes commercial species and sizes; it is governed by a set of diameter limits.  At the same time, obligatory and undesirable trees (which may or may not be of commercial quality) have to be cut in order the liberate the selected residual crop trees from competition.  About 10 years after logging, when the logged-over stand has already about recovered from the "shock and trauma" of logging, silvicultural treatments are repeated periodically until the end of the cutting cycle. 

One important component of BSFS is the application of enrichment planting on understocked areas, and on openings created during logging operations. Seedlings of premium native species such as Dryobalanops beccarii, Dryobalanops lanceolata, Shorea macrophyllaShorea parvifolia, which are adapted to the existing forest conditions are planted in order to enhance the overall timber productivity of the forest. This way, sustainability of timber production is ensured.

The enrichment planting program was started in 1997 during the 7th NDP. The activity was carried out in two logged over forest, which are Labi Hills Forest Reserve in Belait District and Ladan Hills Forest Reserve in Tutong District.

As of 2016, the Forestry Department has enriched a total of more than 14,000 hectares:
