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In pursuance of national development objectives and consistent with global strategies on biogeoecology in which the forests play a vital role, the Government of Brunei Darussalam commits itself to conserve, develop and manage its forests resources for the preservation and upliftment of the quality of life; the promotion of social, political and economic well-being of the people, and technological progress of the country; and for bringing about environmental amenity and ecological equilibrium over a time continuum.
To rationalize over the long term, the use of primary resources, particularly the forests, in order to strike a harmonious balance among complementary and conflicting objectives and priorities; to optimize social, economic and ecological values coming from such resources as forest lands.
To devote adequate and permanent areas of the following forest categories of the State, to be referred to as the National Forest Estate for specific single or multiple uses, viz :
a)Protection Forests, which are unexploitable forests intended primarily to keep intact the forest conditions protecting critical soils and water resources, keeping the country green and beautiful and the climate invigorating; and helping prevent or minimize the occurrence of floods, droughts, erosions, desertification and atmospheric pollution; and contributing to the general ecological stability of the country in particular and the world as a whole.
b)Production Forests, which are natural and man-made, forests including related non-timber plantations, for the principal purpose of supplying, on a sustained and economically competitive basis, the forest produce requirements of the country.
c)Recreational Forests, which are forested areas reserved and developed for outdoor recreation in order to contribute significantly to social, psychological, physical and economic wellbeing of the people.
d)Conservation Forests, which are undisturbed forests for the purpose of preserving in perpetuity the wilderness, flora and fauna, and other elements of the ecosystem for scientific, educational, and other special uses.
e)National Parks, which are areas that may include geologic and topographic formations of special interest and which are reserved to maintain biologically diverse plant and animal communities for
the benefit of the present and future generations.
To systematically manage the National Forest Estate under appropriate strategies and regimes within the concept of environmental conservation and sustained socio-economic multipleuse.
To conscientiously administer the National Forest Estate by means of forestry laws and regulations vested on competent authorities and involving both public and private sector.
To protect the National Forest Estate from all forms of destructive elements or disturbance leading to degradation of ecosystems and habitats, though preventive and cultural measures; and to immediately rehabilitate any damage on the forest when, despite all care and precaution, it does occur.

To formulate and vigorously pursue a Forest Conservation Programme for the whole country in a manner that will yield the greatest sustainable benefit to the present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations.
To manage the genetic resources including habitats, with the aim of sustaining the biodiversity of, and ecological processes in, all ecosystems.
To develop and maintain Recreational Forests and National Parks in strategic locations throughout the country, and provide facilities for recreation for social, artistic, scientific, and educational pursuits and
enjoyment of the people; and to promote international nature tourism in the country.
To manage the remaining forests on State lands such that commercial exploitation may not in any way jeopardize environmental quality prior to conversion into nonforest use.
To rehabilitate wastelands in the country through revegetation for the protection of the site from further deterioration, and for the restoration of the ecological stability.
To foster awareness and appreciation of forests and forestry among the people, and to encourage their active participation in forest conservation and development projects.

To thoroughly and carefully evaluate the long term social, economic, and environmental impact of exploitation of the production forests of the country in order that the best economically feasible and
ecologically tenable management option may be identified and pursued.
To sustain the forest-based industry though a rationalized and optimized mix of raw material sources including local natural forest production, plantation forest production, importation, and other options, with the natural forest serving as a strategic reserve.
To improve the Production Forests of the country through appropriate means of regeneration, forestation, and silvicultural treatments, in order to bring the productive capacity of such forest lands to maximum limits.
To ensure efficient harvesting, when such option has been deemed justified by economic exigency and technical regimes, of the Production Forests in accordance with set prescription in order to optimize yield and ensure the next cyclic cut from the same area, with minimal damage to the site.
To regulate utilization of the Production Forests based on technically, environmentally, and socio-economically sound land and resourceuse strategies.
To support the marketing of forest produce and products utilizing accepted procedures and appropriate standards of nomenclature and grading.
To encourage foreign and local private investments in forestry and allied ventures which are in the national interest, particularly in premium value-added, diversified, and integrated industries.
To enlist maximum participation of citizens of Brunei Darussalam in forest-based and related enterprise

To hasten the application of new technology in forestry aimed at progressive changes within the broad spectrum of opportunities in forestry.
To develop Brunei Darussalam into a centre of excellence in tropical forestry with notable reputation in forest conservation, management, research, and education.
To foster and support international cooperation and goodwill in forestry matters, particularly at the regional level.

The Forestry Department of His Majesty’s government, headed by a Director and adequately supported by competent staff and efficient organizational machinery, will bear the responsibility of executing this
National Forestry Policy of Brunei Darussalam.
To carry out this duty, the Forestry Department will formulate and immediately implement a Forestry Strategic Plan incorporating parallel programmes of Environmental Forestry and Industrial Forestry, along the following framework, to wit :
a)Environmental Forestry covering the management of all Protection Forests, Recreational Forests, Conservation Forests, and National Parks to cater to the social, political, and environmental requirements of the people.
b)Industrial Forestry, covering the development and management of all Production Forests and the processing and eventual consumption of forest products, both timber and otherwise.

As stipulated by law, existing forest lands within the national territory, whether natural or man-made, covering an area determined to be large enough, but not less than fifty-five percent (55%) of the
total land area, will be demarcated, set aside, and officially declared as National Forest Estate to meet the protective, productive, recreational, conservation, and other related needs of the country.
The following factors will be taken into consideration in the determination of the National Forest Estate, viz :
a)Land Use Forests existing on lands which are not suitable to any other use, such as those in mountain ranges, peat swamps, water-logged areas, mangroves and coastal areas, on infertile podsolic soils
including kerangas or tropical heath forests, on dry flat lands, on islets, and deltas.
b)Terrain and Slope Rugged terrains and steep slopes, and unstable soils.
c)Flora and Fauna Forest lands which are habitats of important, unique or endangered vegetation, forest and wildlife types.
d)Strategic Location Forests intended for specific single or multiple uses strategically located throughout the State considering their biological requirements, hydrologic value, ecological stability, economic viability, accessibility, and compatibility with other land uses.
e)Multiplicity of Uses Forest lands to be devoted to multiple purposes to optimize use. For instance, where feasible, the objectives of protection, recreation, and conservation may be combined into a workable mix.
f)Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts Land areas of actual or potential political, social, economic, and environmental impact, particularly in the long term.
g)Promotion of National Identity Decisions and actions that will foster the international image of Brunei Darussalam with respect to tropical forestry, environment, and related issues of global significance.
2.3)The National Forest Estate will be permanent in tenure and purpose, and the integrity of its metes and bounds will be protected. No part of the National Forest Estate may be disestablished and alienated into State land except only when absolutely necessary, and only after a thorough study to ascertain alternative courses of action and to localize the ill-effects of such alienation particularly on the ecology, has been made. In the event of alienation however, and equivalent suitable compensatory area from the State land will be incorporated into the National Forest Estate. Conversely as the need arises and as national interests dictate, any part of the State land may add further to the National Forest Estate.
Appropriate strategies, techniques, and technical regimes will be formulated and implemented to effectively manage the National Forest Estate, both intensively and extensively, adopting the principles of renewability, sustainability, multiple use, and ecological equilibrium. A national forest management system applicable under
local conditions will be developed and practiced under such guiding principles.
2.5)Appropriate technologies and approaches including comprehensive data base management systems will be employed in the management of the National Forest Estate.
2.6)To effectively administer the National Forest Estate, efficacious and timely forestry laws and regulations will be enforced by the Forestry Department and other government agencies concerned. The support of the private sector in the enforcement of such laws will be enlisted.
2.7)The Forestry Department is committed to protect the National Forest Estate realizing the valuable goods and services provided by the forests to the people and to the country, and recognizing that the future of humanity is threatened by the rapid degradation of forest ecosystem, loss of germplasm, extinction of flora and fauna, deterioration in the ecology, hydrology and climatology, depletion of soil productivity, insufficient renewal of the forests and poor utilization. The Department shall prevent and control all threats and damages from such adverse elements as fires, pests and diseases, plants and animals (particularly man) competition, encroachment, illegal use, and pollution.
2.8)The Forestry Department will set up and activate a Forest Protection Programme with adequate manpower and logistical support to see to it that there is continuing and effective attention and care of the forests, and that any disturbance or occurrence of adverse elements, despite all precautions, are promptly and efficiently contained, and appropriate repair and rehabilitation are immediately undertaken.
2.9)The government will intensify the continuous production of forestry professionals, technicians, specialists, and workers from among its citizens in order that, in the long run, a pool of highly competent and dedicated professional and skills staff, collectively and individually, will see to the proper management and development of the National Forest Estate and the advancement of the forestry cause.
2.10)The Forestry Department shall spare no effort to see to it that, after harvesting operations, appropriate silvicultural management is instituted in order that forest growth and yield are optimized and sustained. Such provision will be incorporated into forest use license conditions.

3.1)All Conservation Forests, Protection Forests, Recreational Forests, and National Parks of the country will be delineated and adequately documented for management and development purposes.
To provide essential information base for the management and administration of the Conservation Forests, Protection Forests, Recreational Forests, and National Parks, the Forestry Department will organize the required geographic and biological assessment of such forest categories in Brunei Darussalam, which will eventually
lead to the production of a dossier on the flora and fauna of the country and of a blueprint for management and development of the same areas.
3.3)Research into the natural history, ecology, taxonomy, biology, protection, and propagation of plants and animals will also be carried out for the determination and implementation of appropriate conservation strategies.
3.4)In anticipation of growing population and development pressures on the primary resources of the country, and the attendant adverse effects on wildlife, the Forestry Department will established and maintained ex situ living collections of such organisms.
3.5)As necessary, to conserve the flora and fauna and their habitat, wildlife and game sanctuaries and refuges will be established and maintained particularly for threatened species with a broad representation of natural habitats and contain viable population of plants and animals.
3.6)Physical facilities and operating plans, commensurate with the purposes of the amenity areas, will be developed to ensure their maximum use.
3.7)Public usage in terms of visitation levels, type of use, frequency, duration of use, and user attitudes and preferences will be monitored to promptly and sufficiently institute measures to upgrade the facilities, services and general rating of such areas; and to define new management opportunities options.
3.8)To arrest the degradation of unstable sites, and to restore vegetative cover on wastelands, priority will be given in their reforestation.
3.9)In order to foster public awareness of, and appreciation for, the forests and their protective, productive, and social values, vigorous continuing formal and informal education will be instituted. Such programmes will involve all sectors and levels of society.
3.10)Maximum efforts will also be exerted to encourage the involvement of all sectors in forestry and related activities.
3.11)The government will intensify efforts to develop a pool of local professionals, sub-professionals, and workers for the forestry sector.

4.1)The total value of the National Forest Estate, tangible or intangible, will be maximized by ensuring that forest growth and yield are sustained.
In the natural forests, where there is adequate regeneration appropriate silvicultural treatments will be prescribed to ensure survival and to hasten growth of selected species, in consonance with ecological and cost considerations.
4.3)On understocked or poor forest lands, supplemental or enrichment planting particularly of indigenous species or those of known or proven suitability to local conditions, will be undertaken ; and sufficiently maintained and protected until harvest in order to realize optimum yield and maintain ecological balance.
4.4)To complement the natural Production Forests as the source of timber products, reforestation and afforestation will be done on suitable sites. Industrial plantations of tree species proven to be fastgrowing,
of high-quality wood, suitable to local site conditions, and of superior attributes will be strategically established throughout the country, for both traditional and non-traditional products with high economic value. Other promising opportunities such as the establishment of additional plantation estates, including outside the country, will be considered.
4.5)To provide the required supply of non-timber produce, plantations of rattan, bamboo and other crops of high economic potential will be established.
4.6)All forestation efforts will be supported by the establishment of seed stands and orchards to secure a reliable supply of superior quality seeds and planting stock.
4.7)All natural and plantation forests will be properly maintained and protected particularly during their early stages of development to ensure maximum growth and quality of yield.
4.8)The whole forest-based industry, including those related to nontimber materials such as rattan and bamboo will be rationalized in such a way as to adapt it to forest characteristics and to raw material production systems within the framework of integrated and sustained utilization.
4.9)Entry into, and use of, Protection Forests, Conservation Forests, National Parks, and other such areas for scientific, educational, and other special purpose shall be approved and coordinated by the Forestry Department.
4.10)All forms of commercial exploitation of the Production Forests and remaining timber of State lands will be subject to forestry laws and regulations as prescribed by the government through the Forestry
Department, which will clearly specify the conditions and limits of such operational. This provision will also apply to any commercial operation of Recreational Forests and National Parks.
4.11)The permit or license to conduct harvesting operations will carry with it the requisite that the permittee or licensee processes adequate and proper capability in the form of capital, equipment and machinery,
labour, and technical expertise to do so.
4.12)To ensure efficient harvesting of forest produce, a strict enforcement scheme will be instituted.
4.13)The utilization of all harvested forest produce will be optimized subject to prevailing economic condition and environmental impact.
4.14)Damage and wastages in the forests, whether deliberate or accidental, incurred during harvesting operations other than those normally allowed for as a consequence of logging and related operations, will be assessed on the concerned licensee, without prejudice to actions to be taken for administrative, civil, or criminal liability of the same party.
4.15)The Forestry Department will extend technical advice and assistance to operators in any aspect of forest management, harvesting, and utilization of forest produce, particularly where technical knowledge and expertise are required.
4.16)The harvesting of the Production Forests and remaining timber on State lands will be governed by a duly approved operations plan which will be a component of the Integrated Forest Management and Development Plan, prepared for every operating unit and which incorporates among others, aspects of road network design, harvesting and logging systems, transportation plans, and subsequent treatments on the residual stands.
4.17)Whenever economic and ecological conditions require, other feasible alternative sources of forest produce like importation will be sough to meet the demand of the forest-based industries.
4.18)Sufficient measures will be taken to encourage participation of the private sector, both local and foreign, in terms of investments and equity-sharing, in forestry and such related enterprises as forest produce harvesting, forest produce processing, forestation projects, recreational facility operation, and the like, at no detriment to the national interest.
4.19)4.19 As much as possible, however, the participation of the citizens of Brunei Darussalam in forestry and associated ventures, with set priorities and objectives, will be maximized.

5.1)The government recognizes the vital role of research and technology in forestry in particular, and in national development in general. Thus, the government will hasten the packaging, transfer, and application of appropriate technology in forest resource development and management, conservation, forest produce harvesting, processing, and marketing which have been generated both locally or internationally.
In line with the national aspiration to become a centre of excellence on tropical forestry, the Forestry Department will undertake appropriate steps to implement a sound and balance programme of
management and development of the forest resources, thereby gaining international recognition especially in the field of forest conservation, management, research, and education.
5.3)The country will foster international cooperation and goodwill, especially in forestry matters. Thus, the initiative and involvement of Brunei Darussalam, through the Forestry Department, in global forestry issues and endeavours, will be boosted. Linkages and technical exchange in forestry science will also be intensified.